Monday 6 August 2012


Trying to write this blog retrospectively is really difficil, so I must make an effort to do it every day. So much happens in 24 hours, it feels like yesterday was a week ago.

At this very moment I am in a hamlet called Herrerias, a few km from the Castilla y León/ Galician border. I am making very good progress - too good and I need to slow down but it's tricky when you are enjoying walking so much.

So.. to take you back a few days.

I reached Astorga after 38km on a swelteringly hot day. I posted a photo of myself looki.g down on the city beside a cross. You may have noticed I am EXTREMELY covered up. No, it was not cold (36c), I was merely perfecting the art of being an English rose. I am sunburnt on my chest, shoulders, legs, arms... So I am wearing the silk yellow liner as a scarf.

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